This is my own reinterpretation of Alice in Wonderland. I recreated the characters of Alice, the Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts, placing them in a new world. In this world, Alice must escape from a society where the wealthiest people live in castles in the sky, while the ordinary citizens are forced to work in a futuristic, industrial world. These people are destined to toil in order to maintain the privileged lifestyles of the rich.
Alice lives in a revolutionary, industrial world where she is a mere worker in a factory. One day, she has an accident and is forced to integrate robot parts into her body. She is playful by nature, but her resentment toward the monarchy— which creates modern-day slavery in her world—transforms her into someone colder. She desires to kill the Queen. I wanted her to wear an overall and a high-neck fuchsia sweater, representing work attire, but also colors that appear somewhat radioactive. The radioactive colors in Alice and the Mad Hatter symbolize the toxic materials used during the industrial revolution, which were harmful to women and hat artisans.
The Mad Hatter is a poor civilian who used to work for the monarchy. He made so many hats, working overtime without pay, that he eventually fell into depression and contracted a virus in the castle. Now, he is infected by a disease that has affected his brain and is slowly transforming him into a monster. However, at times, he remembers when he used to be handsome and behaves like Johnny Bravo, longing for the old days
The Queen lives in 'Heaven,' meaning she resides in castles in the sky. This symbolizes her superiority and "pure blood" in comparison to the ordinary people who work in the factories. Although she appears human, she is actually a creature of nature. For this reason, her proportions are more exaggerated.
Rough Color and Tight Up

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